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About Us
Image by Rémi Walle

Gruppo di lavoro LCOY


Fin dall'inizio, i giovani sono stati attivamente coinvolti nelle Conferenze delle Parti (COP) organizzate dalla Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici (UNFCCC).

Nel 2005, si sono riuniti formalmente a Montreal prima della COP11 per far sentire la loro voce, creando così la prima Conference of Youth (COY). Nel 2009 durante la COP15, il segretariato dell'UNFCCC e gli stati membri della Convenzione hanno ufficialmente riconosciuto i giovani come un proprio collegio di osservatori (confermando lo status nel 2011), per rappresentare la voce formale di bambini e giovani nei processi dell'UNFCCC. Il collegio elettorale è noto come YOUNGO.


LCOY Working Group logo


The most important role of this working group is to empower and support young people who want to make a difference in their communities.



All decisions are made by consent. However, responsibilities can be delegated to specific groups that can then act autonomously.

Meaningful participation by everyone is only possible if we are transparent about the processes and our decisions.



We actively welcome each and every young person, no matter what background they have and with what level of experience they join.

Both as a group and as its members, we have to experiment, make mistakes, and learn continuously.



YOUNGO LCOY working Group has 4 task-groups to take up different tasks to support LCOYs throughout the world. If you are interested, you can join any of these task-groups according to your choice and expertise.

1. Applications and Selections

This group helps to develop the application process, responds to questions and queries made by applicants on the application process, reviews and evaluates applications received, approves selected conferences and also sends approval letters or official endorsement letter to the organisers.

Current Members

Lead: Fabiola Melchiori (Lola) (Germany)

Shamie Mucha Anenyesha (Zimbabwe), Claire Cheng (Hong Kong), Mathias Kpetohoto (Benin), Mian Joseph Atta (Côte d'Ivoire), Jessica Li (United States), Diana Corona (Venezuela), Nadia (Ghana).

2. Conference Support

This group helps by supporting LCOY teams in their work, creating toolkits & other documents.

Current Members

Olowoyeye Oluwafemi (Nigeria), Selma (Algeria), Israa Taha (Sudan), Dr. Ahmed Ouda (Palestine), Mian Joseph Atta (Côte d'Ivoire), Jessica Li (United States), Landry Ngaimeni (Mali), Nadia (Ghana).

3. Communication & Media

This group helps by creating and designing content, providing designing services for toolkits & other documents prepared by Conference Support TG, managing LCOY Official Social Media Channels and Website.

Current Members

Lead: Soumyadip Dewanji (India)

Abhishek Mani (India), Saline Akoth (Kenya).

4. Final Output

This group helps by bridging LCOY, RCOY and GCOY, report writing and following up and develops a Final Output process.

Current Members

Nada Mohamed (Egypt), Jafreen (Bangladesh), Merna Ahmed (Egypt), Selma (Algeria), Yoko Lu (Canada/Japan), Claire Cheng (Hong Kong), Soumyadip Dewanji (India), Israa Taha (Sudan), Dr. Ahmed Ouda (Palestine), Mathias Kpetohoto (Benin), Mildren Juma (Kenya), Mian Joseph Atta (Côte d'Ivoire), Xuan Zihan (China/Singapore), Jessica Li (United States), Landry Ngaimeni (Mali).

Image by Mona Eendra

Il talento vince le partite, ma il lavoro di squadra e l'intelligenza vincono i campionati.

Michael Jordan


Interested in joining us?

If you're interested in joining our working group and would like to find out some more information, you are at the doorstep.


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This Website is Sponsored by ACT.Sustainable


© YOUNGO LCOY Working Group. 2020-2023

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