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A proposito di COY


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  • Frequently Asked Questions | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    A proposito di COY How can I attend one of the COYs? Go to the individual websites of the respective LCOYs and look for a link to a registration form. In case, no registration form is shared, try to reach the LCOY organisers via the contact form. The participation should be generally open to anyone who is interested! Is there funding available to cover my participation in one of the COYs? Usually there is no funding available. In most cases (unless stated differently in the information of the COYs), you will have to cover your costs yourself. What is LCOY? Local COYs (LCOY) aim to bring together youth from one country or area. At LCOYs, youth participate as part of national and regional movements. They focus on climate related topics which have high national importance, discuss and develop respective outputs, which are fed into the Global COY and consequently into the UN climate negotiations. They normally take place before the Global COY. Furthermore, they also serve the purpose to train youth and to build their capacities for climate action. Here you can find more info. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Email: Why do I need an official approval to be able to organise a LCOY? As explained in the section About COY, the name, “LCOY”, is the collective intellectual property of YOUNGO, and as such may only be used by YOUNGO, or by other youth entities who YOUNGO has given permission. Hence, you need the official approval by YOUNGO. Otherwise, in case of use of term LCOY without endorsement, various steps might be taken which include, but are not limited to: (1) contacting the sponsors of the proposed Local COY, (2) issuing (a) public statement(s), (3) not recognizing any outputs from the COY for inclusion in YOUNGO’s work at the COP. When should the LCOY take place? Ideally, it should take place within 4 weeks before the Global COY (which usually takes place at during the weekend before the start of the annual climate summit). However, if suited reasons are given, a LCOY can also take place before that. 4 weeks before the Global COY is not a hard-timeline, although it is a suggested one. Also, coordinating the scheduling of sub-national, national, sub-regional and regional LCOYs in a region might be expedient to make sure that outcomes of each LCOYs can be fed into the LCOY on the next broader level. Can there be more than one LCOY in the same country/region? Ideally, only one LCOY should take place per country or “region”. However, in case it makes sense due to logistical or geographical reasons, it might be possible that two separate LCOYs take place in the same country/region. In any case, close communication with all involved actors will be happen before any approval. Our request has been rejected, can we hand in an updated version?" Yes, you can submit an updated version of the request to be considered in the forthcoming tranches. We do not speak English, can we still organise a Local COY?" Absolutely yes, a Local COY can be hosted in any language. It is indeed encouraged that LCOYs adapt to the regional and national circumstances relevant to them. However, we encourage that communication with YOUNGO should preferably happen in English, French or other official UN languages. How the collaboration among LCOYs and the Global COY look like? In the past, different collaboration took place: 1. Video project: a collective video to present the whole of LCOYs 2. Livestreams 3. Cross promotion on Social media 4. LCOY organisers (who were able to travel to GCOY) presenting their outputs in-person at GCOY 5. General exchange on organisation and focus topics/central themes Please note that this is very much dependent on capacities and circumstances of GCOY and the LCOY, and new ideas of collaboration can be explored and are welcome. What happens if we do not comply with the Local COY Agreement? Failure to uphold this agreement can result in YOUNGO withdrawing its endorsement of the Local COY in question, should reasonable efforts within the COY WG not resolve such problems. Dissociation may include, but it is not limited to: 1) contacting the sponsors of the Local COY, 2) issuing (a) public statement(s), 3) not recognizing any outputs from the COY for inclusion in YOUNGO’s work at the COP. My organisation wants to organise a regional or sub-regional COY, how do we proceed?" If you and your organisation want to organise a LCOY in your region or sub-region, please reach out with the subject: "RCOY request: (Name of the region)." The Mentoring and Applications Sub-WG of the COY WG will take your request and evaluate it case by case. Please, Contact us before making any concrete actions. We will contact you with organizations and YOUNGO members of the same region or sub-region that are planning the same or have already successfully requested for the approval by YOUNGO. As regional and sub-regional COYs are also characterized by an organizing team that represents the diversity of nationalities in the region or sub-region, reaching out to YOUNGO is helpful to find further organisations willing to support the respective planning process. By reaching out to the COY Liasions, the COY WG or the YOUNGO mailing list you will also find out, whether there is already a regional or sub-regional COY planned and who might be the contact to reach out to in order to join the organising team. IMPORTANT: For approving your request, the coordination team of the RCOY must represent the diversity of the region & the RCOY must engourage to host national LCOYs & the RCOY must have the endorsment of (at least) 5 national LCOYs approved in the region that are happening the same year. What does it mean to be approved as a Local COY? This can entail several benefits: 1. Authorisation to use “Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)” as the branding of your conference. 2. Endorsement by YOUNGO, as a part of which you will be provided with an official approval letter in English and any other requested language (depending on the capacity for translations) 3. Authorisation to use the official logo(s) of YOUNGO on all relevant forms of branding (such as website, flyers, publications, etc.) associated with the LCOY. 4. Have the outputs of the LCOY being formally fed into GCOY and YOUNGO through avenues that are used by YOUNGO 5. Have the opportunity to present your LCOY at a centralized website and YOUNGO website (should such and further such avenues exist) 6. Being approved may not necessarily entail any financial benefits (note that YOUNGO, currently, is volunteer-run) I am curious about YOUNGO and want to get involved: what shall i do? Yeey, another interested person! Just send us quick mail at and we will provide you with further information.

  • New Page | YOUNGO LCOYs

    Local Conferences of Youth By Youth, for Youth LCOY is an event under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its aims are to be a space to boost youth climate action locally and create an input into the international conferences. It represents a national version of the international Conference of Youth (COY), which takes place immediately before the Conference of Parties (COP), the annual UN-Climate Conference.

  • About COY | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    A proposito di COY Pic Credit: LCOY HK What is COY SFONDO Fin dall'inizio, i giovani sono stati attivamente coinvolti nelle Conferenze delle Parti (COP) organizzate dalla Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici (UNFCCC). Nel 2005, si sono riuniti formalmente a Montreal prima della COP11 per far sentire la loro voce, creando così la prima Conference of Youth (COY). Nel 2009 durante la COP15, il segretariato dell'UNFCCC e gli stati membri della Convenzione hanno ufficialmente riconosciuto i giovani come un proprio collegio di osservatori (confermando lo status nel 2011), per rappresentare la voce formale di bambini e giovani nei processi dell'UNFCCC. Il collegio elettorale è noto come YOUNGO. COY18 Official logo The UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) is an event under the banner of YOUNGO – The Official Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conference takes place right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as Conference of the Parties (COP), in the same host country as the COP. COY serves as a space for capacity building and policy training, in order to prepare young people for their participation at COP. How LCOY Started SFONDO Fin dall'inizio, i giovani sono stati attivamente coinvolti nelle Conferenze delle Parti (COP) organizzate dalla Convenzione quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici (UNFCCC). Nel 2005, si sono riuniti formalmente a Montreal prima della COP11 per far sentire la loro voce, creando così la prima Conference of Youth (COY). Nel 2009 durante la COP15, il segretariato dell'UNFCCC e gli stati membri della Convenzione hanno ufficialmente riconosciuto i giovani come un proprio collegio di osservatori (confermando lo status nel 2011), per rappresentare la voce formale di bambini e giovani nei processi dell'UNFCCC. Il collegio elettorale è noto come YOUNGO. Pic: COY14 La Conferenza della Gioventù (COY) è un evento ufficiale di YOUNGO. COY continua a coinvolgere bambini e giovani di diversi settori della società e aree del mondo, con un numero in costante crescita nel corso degli anni. È organizzato dai giovani per i giovani. Inoltre, nel 2015, l'idea di COY ha iniziato a diffondersi in tutto il mondo. I giovani hanno riconosciuto il valore dei COY e si sono ispirati a organizzare COY locali (LCOY). Nel 2017, all'interno di YOUNGO è stato istituito un processo formale per sostenere e responsabilizzare i giovani e le organizzazioni giovanili nell'organizzazione di COY regionali e locali. Ulteriori informazioni sul processo LCOY sono disponibili qui Scopes of Different COYs Ambiti di diversi COY Global COY Global COY is an annual gathering of young people from all over the world, who are passionate about climate change and environmental topics. It is organised by the youth for the youth. ​ The Global COY take place once every year right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as the Conference of Parties (COP), at the same location organised by local youth in collaboration with YOUNGO. ​ It aims to bring together the global youth to compile national and regional inputs into positions of global youth to be fed into the climate negotiations. Discover More @COY18UAE Regional COY Regional COYs are organised (ideally) before or during GCOY in different parts of the world offering youth new opportunities for training and capacity building. ​ Regional COYs aim to bring together youth from many different countries within one of the 7 world regions (North America, Latin America and Caribbean, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania). RCOYs feed directly to Global COY. ​ They focus on climate related topics which have high regional importance, discuss and develop respective outputs and feed them into the Global COY and consequently into the climate negotiations. Know More About RCOY Local COYs Local COYs resemble regional COYs in many aspects. They, too, should ideally take place before or during the Global COY. They also serve the purpose to train youth and to build their capacities for climate action. The point in which the conferences differ is the scope. ​ Local COYs aim to bring together youth from one country. At LCOYs, youth participate as part of national and regional movements. ​ They focus on climate related topics which have high national importance, discuss and develop respective outputs, which are fed into the Global COY and consequently into the climate negotiations. Learn More About LCOY Join COY18 in Dubai It's time to experience COY Virtually too!! Watch this Space to Learn More Soon.

  • LCOY Bangladesh 2022 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    Home About YOUNGO About Bangladesh Our Partners Register Now Bangladesh First Ever LCOY in Bangladesh Aim of LCOY Bangladesh 2022 cultivating environment conscious Bengali Youth to take on future leadership roles The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: Organised by Officially endorsed by Our Partners

  • The Climate Studio | LCOY - A Project of YOUNGO

    Designing for Non-profits. Use this paragraph to showcase your app’s key features and how it will enhance the user’s experience with your brand. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content. Join over a million happy users! Simple Plans This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Personalized Content This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Community Support This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Download the app now! You can easily add your own content to this paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click here to make it your own. Get Updates Get the latest app version, news & updates. Subscribe to our newsletter. Subscribe Thanks for submitting!

  • History | YOUNGO LCOYs


  • About site | YOUNGO LCOYs

    A proposito di COY We always want to be transparent about who helped with creating this website... This site would have not been possible without the love & care of all these precious volunteers over 3 Years 💚 The Team Content (for country-wise LCOY subpages) 17, Sudan Mathani Mudathir Member Member of Content Sub-Working Group Design & Development 18, India Soumyadip Dewanji Coodinator Lead of Communication Web, Media and Design Blog Writing 26, Peru Valery Salas Flores Coodinator Lead of Application Management, Member of Communication Dept. 24, Nepal Monica Neupane Coodinator Member of Media and Communication Dept.

  • Resources | Local Conferences of Youth (LCOY)

    Resources LCOY Official Toolkit v1.0 Shop 1.5 Mb : 15th March, 2021 Presentation: How to host a LCOY Shop 3.1 Mb : 17th April, 2021 YOUNGO LCOY Policy v3.0 Shop 172 Kb : 28th February, 2019 LCOY Visual Identity Guide v1.0 Shop 10.2 Mb : 11th November, 2021 LCOY Social Media Toolkit v1.0 51.3 Mb : 5th June, 2022 Shop

  • LCOY Malaysia | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    LCOY Malaysia Hosted over a period of three weekends, the Malaysian Local Conference of Youth took place from 28th November till 13th December 2020. The conference has cleverly chosen a very current and present-day issue to discuss, that is: "Mobilizing for A Green Post Covid-19 Recovery" Speakers With 42 speakers in total from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, the conference aimed and effectively examined solutions and systemic changes that are needed to properly address climate change and ensure the post Covid-19 recovery is green and environmentally sustainable. View Full List of Speakers DATO' A. M. MUHAMMAD JASMIN ILHAM Deputy Minister, Malaysian Ministry of Environment and Water UNICEF Malaysia NORLIZA HASHIM Urbanice 01/ Climate Finance, Green Economy, and Green Jobs 02/ Sustainable Cities, Local Communities, and Local Action 03/ Nature-based Solutions 04/ Climate Policies and Governance 05/ ASEAN's Potential for Climate Leadership Aim of the MYLCOY2020 Cultivating Climate-Conscious Malaysian And Southeast Asian Youths to Take on Future Leadership Roles Organised by Sponsored by Partnered by

  • LCOY Haiti 2021 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    LCOY Haiti 2021 LCOY Haiti 2021 Date: 25th August 2021 Place: Virtual Many Haitians have already registered to attend. Hurry Up! Register Now… ​ Register Now The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: "Protecting Our Environment" Speakers With a total of 10 specialist speakers from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, the conference is aiming to properly address climate change and ways to protect our environment. Mark Chester Tungcul Adelin Pierre Director of Communication, Youth for Oceans Coordinator COY Haiti Amelia Arreguin Regional Coordinator GYBN Aim of the LCOY Haiti 2021 Cultivating Climate-Conscious Haitian Youths to Take on Future Leadership Roles Organised by Speakers from Officially endorsed by


    LCOY Malaysia Organisers PARTNERS

  • Past LCOYs | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    LCOY DEL PASSATO 2020 Partire 2020 Partire 2019 Partire 2018 Partire 2017 Partire 2016 Partire 2015 Partire 2014 Partire In realtà, gli anni non significano nulla. È quello che c'è dentro. Simon Van Booy

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