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  • LCOY Bangladesh 2022 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    Home About YOUNGO About Chile Our Partners Register Now LCOY Chile 2022 Aim of LCOY Chile 2022 To position the youth voice of climate action events at national and international level. To define petitions and proposals for Chilean, regional and international authorities. To generate spaces for youth participation. To contribute the vision of Chilean People within the Statement on the way to COP27. To train and provide tools on environmental issues and participation in climate public policies. The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: Organised by Officially endorsed by Our Partners

  • The Climate Studio | LCOY - A Project of YOUNGO

    Designing for Non-profits. Use this paragraph to showcase your app’s key features and how it will enhance the user’s experience with your brand. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content. Join over a million happy users! Simple Plans This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Personalized Content This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Community Support This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Download the app now! You can easily add your own content to this paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click here to make it your own. Get Updates Get the latest app version, news & updates. Subscribe to our newsletter. Subscribe Thanks for submitting!

  • Organise | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    Organise a LCOY Anchor 1 Principles of LCOY There are a total of 10 Pillars of Principle, on which an LCOY is based. These ten principles guide the work of every LCOY. Anyone who follows them can organise an LCOY. 1. Capacity Building & Empowerment: Local Conferences of Youth are events by and embedded in YOUNGO. They build capacities of young people and train and educate them to take action on climate change and sustainable development. ​ 2. Transparency: LCOY organizing teams communicate actively with the LCOY Working Group and other actors. This will help us as an international movement and constituency of young people to learn from the experiences and mistakes made on the local level. ​ 3. Inclusivity: YOUNGO welcomes and values the contributions that individuals who identify as members of marginalized communities bring to the climate movement, and encourages Indigenous people, people of colour, women, people identifying as LGBTQI+, members of ethnic minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities to be involved and represented throughout the LCOY processes. People with all levels of education and experience are welcome. We recognize that this list is neither exhaustive nor representative of the intersectionality present within each individual. ​ 4. Sustainability: LCOY teams strive to make their conferences as sustainable as possible, noting the regional and national circumstances, and capacities. ​ 5. By Youth For Youth: The organising process must be led by young people and youth-led Entities. Youth are the primary participants of LCOYs. ​ 6. Community building: LCOY organizers engage in and strengthen already-existing networks of young people and youth entities in the country and region the LCOY takes place in. In the absence of such avenues, LCOYs are encouraged to lay foundations for new networks. ​ 7. Preparation for UN processes: LCOYs provide space for young people to learn about, educate, train for, and contribute to UN climate processes, including the UN climate change negotiations and related sustainable development processes. ​ 8. Global Action: LCOY teams are encouraged to undertake activities or projects with other LCOYs promoting regional and global collaboration. ​ 9. Spirit of Cooperation: LCOYs are part of and nurture a community of young people who want to work together to fight climate change and promote mutual empowerment. To do so, LCOYs actively cooperate with​ young people and youth organisations within the same c ountry or region, other LCOYs (especially those in the same region), the YOUNGO LCOY Working Group, the Global COY and other relevant processes and avenues within YOUNGO. ​ 10. Creativity: LCOY teams are encouraged to experiment with creative ideas that would form the basis of their learning. The best practices and lessons learned are shared with the broader YOUNGO community to help other youth for future projects. ​ Requirements of LCOY No to Polluters! LCOYs do not enter in partnerships with fossil fuel companies or other orgs that stand in conflict with the interest of young people. By Youth, for Youth LCOYs must be organized by young people and for young people. Elders can observe & provide knowledge assistance if required. Transparency LCOYs must remain transparent about their work by making information openly available to the LCOY WG, other LCOYs and the general public. Coordination & Cooperation LCOYs are organised in a spirit of cooperation. If young people or youth movements other than approved people or groups... view more. LCOYs are organized in a spirit of cooperation. If young people or youth movements other than the hereby approved people and groups wish to organize an LCOY in the same country, the approved LCOY is open to search for ways to cooperate. Constructive Outcome LCOYs write and publish an output document capturing the views of youth participants on UNFCCC processes, national policy issues… view more . LCOYs write and publish an output document that captures the views of youth participants on UNFCCC processes, national policy issues, or other topics related to climate change or sustainable development. Submission of Report LCOYs write and publish a short report that comprises (at least) the no of participants, statistics of origin, and info about cooperating organizations. These applications can be submitted until 45 days before the Global Conference of Youth (COY) takes place. ​ The application process aims to prevent conflicts between groups that want to organize LCOYs in the same country or region. ​ It also offers an opportunity to members of YOUNGO to learn more about the applying team in order to explore ways for future collaboration. ​ Finally, it allows the LCOY Working Group to check if 6 fundamental requirements for LCOYs are met. These requirements are to be fulfilled by ​every prospective LCOY team who submits an application to the YOUNGO LCOY Working Group. Letter of Endorsement If your application becomes successfully passed with all requirements fulfilled, then the organising LCOY team will get an approval letter or Letter of Endorsement by E-mail, and from then, their LCOY will be officially endorsed by YOUNGO & its LCOY Working Group. ​ Without a Letter of Endorsement, you can not organise a conference under the name of LCOY. ​ In case you have any questions, you can reach us at The UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) is an event under the banner of YOUNGO – The Official Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conference takes place right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as Conference of the Parties (COP), in the same host country as the COP. COY serves as a space for capacity building and policy training, in order to prepare young people for their participation at COP. Download LCOY Official Toolkit Download *Available in "Resources" section also. Webinar & Slides How to host a LCOY? Watch on Download Slides *Now Available in other Languages also. View on Facebook You can stop a raging forest fire, a herd of stampeding buffalo or even a runaway freight train, but you can’t stop a good man. John Paul Warren

  • Local Conferences of Youth (LCOYs) - A YOUNGO Initiative

    Site is being redesigned Sign up to get updates when we go live again. Notify Me Thanks for submitting!

  • LCOY Bangladesh 2022 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    Home About YOUNGO About Bangladesh Our Partners Register Now Bangladesh First Ever LCOY in Bangladesh Aim of LCOY Bangladesh 2022 cultivating environment conscious Bengali Youth to take on future leadership roles The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: Organised by Officially endorsed by Our Partners

  • LCOYs 2020 | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    এটাই দুর্দান্ত! মোট 29 টি এলসিওওয়াই হয়েছে 2020 সালে সংগঠিত LCOYs 2020 যুবদের সমস্ত স্থানীয় সম্মেলনের মানচিত্র 2020 বছর জুড়ে আয়োজন। View Map In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Alice Walker

  • Who We Are | Local Conferences of Youth - YOUNGO

    Who We Are Core Members Abdallah Emad LCOY Liaison Community Management Soumyadip Dewanji Web, Media and Design Communication Dept. Fabiola Melchior Applications Management Coordination Process Valery Salas Application Management Communication Dept. Monico Neupane Web, Media and Design Communication Dept. Valery Salas Application Management Communication Dept.

  • LCOY India 2021 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    LCOY India 2021 LCOY India 2021 Date: 7-8th October 2021 Place: Virtual Organised by: CEE India Many Young people have already registered to attend. Hurry Up! Register Now… Register Now Official Website The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: "Youth Actions for Restoration Solutions" Aim of the LCOY India 2021 Cultivating Climate-Conscious Indian Youths to Take on Future Leadership Roles Submit Your Stories Of Action Stories of Action Do you have any interesting stories on any activities you conducted or have been involved in, which would help us in reviving nature in any way? ​ It could be a climate action, climate solution, action on environment restoration, that you would like to share with us? ​ Fill up the form below, and the best ones will be featured in our event of LCOY!! ​ But before that, MAKE SURE you have already registered for the LCOY event through the LCOY Registration Form. ​ Organised by Officially endorsed by

  • LCOY Nepal 2021 | Local Conferences of Youth - An YOUNGO Initiative

    Home About YOUNGO About Nepal LCOY Nepal 2020 Our Partners Register Now LCOY Nepal 2021 Local Conference of Youth 8-9 October LCOY Nepal 2021 Date: 8-9th October 2021 Place: Virtual Organised by: CliMates Nepal, NYCA & YTS Chitwan Many Nepalese Youth have already registered to attend. Hurry Up! Register Now… Register Now Official Website Aim of the LCOY Nepal 2021 Cultivating Climate-Conscious Nepalese Youths to Take on Future Leadership Roles The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is: To Be Decided Soon... Organised by Officially endorsed by Our Partners

  • Past LCOYs | Local Conference of Youth (LCOY)

    Past LCOYs 2021 Go 2020 Go 2019 Go 2018 Go 2017 Go 2016 Go 2015 Go 2014 Go Actually, years mean nothing. It's what's inside them. Simon Van Booy

  • LCOY 2023 | Local Conference of Youth | YOUNGO

    LCOY 2023 Thank You Everyone! The Application process to host an Official LCOY 2023 is now Closed. Do you want to organize a youth climate conference in your country? Do you want to bring young people together and enable their activism, energy and expertise for a better world? And do you want to collectively organize to make youth voices heard at COP28 in UAE? Current Exhibition Upcoming Collection Past Online Dissociated Landscapes Jun - Sep 2023 If Yes, then one of the best ways, you can make this happen is by hosting an Official Local Conference of Youth or LCOY in your country! LCOYs form a fundamental part of the process of youth inclusion in intergovernmental negotiations on climate change, bringing together youth from across a country for collaboration, brainstorming and drafting of succinct policy proposals. They are the first step in the road towards Region al COYs, the Global COY, and youth participation in the COP itself. Apply now with your tea m or organization and join the global m ovement to save our planet. steps of LCOY Application Submit the Application form within given timeframe The Application forms will then be Reviewed by Selection Commitee If your application gets approved, you will receive An Official Letter of Endorsement over Email timeline of LCOY Application Application Timeframe Review by March 1 - March 31, 2023 April 15, 2023 April 1 - April 30, 2023 May 15, 2023 May 1 - June 5, 2023 June 26, 2023 Application Review of 3rd Tranche will be done by June 26, 2023 You will be updated via email once your application have been revie wed. Want to get your doubts cleared about LCOY Application process? If yes, please scroll down Attend a LCOY Q&A Session We are going to host two Application Q&A info calls in the next weeks to make you understand the procedure and requirements to apply for organising a Local COY in your country. ​ Join us either on March 7th, 4 PM UTC or on March 15th, 7 AM UTC. We are looking forward to see you in one of the sessions. Register for March 7th Register for March 15th Image: Markus Spiske, Pexels Want to learn how to organise a successful Local Conference of Youth? If yes, please click below Learn More

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