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Image by Vivek Kumar

LCOY India 2021

Image by AMAL CR
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LCOY India 2021 

  • Date: 7-8th October 2021

  • Place: Virtual

  • Organised by: CEE India


Many Young people have already registered to attend.


Hurry Up! Register Now…


The conference has chosen a very important issue as the theme to discuss, that is:

"Youth Actions for Restoration Solutions"

Image by Anuj Yadav

Aim of the LCOY India 2021

Cultivating Climate-Conscious Indian Youths to Take on Future Leadership Roles

Image by Matt Collamer

Stories of Action

Do you have any interesting stories on any activities you conducted or have been involved in, which would help us in reviving nature in any way?

It could be a climate action, climate solution, action on environment restoration, that you would like to share with us?

Fill up the form below, and the best ones will be featured in our event of LCOY!!

But before that, MAKE SURE you have already registered for the LCOY event through the LCOY Registration Form.

Illustrated Food Tucks

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