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LCOY Germany

Leuphana University Lüneburg

28-30 October

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The first LCOY Germany took place in Heidelberg 2019. Then online in Nov 2020 and May 2021. On the weekend of October 15th to 17th, 2021, more than a hundred experts from science, business and society were present at our conference with many motivated young people. For LCOY 2022 we are planning even bigger, even more exciting and even more diverse conversation throughout three full days in Lüneburg!

LCOY 2022 will be held on 28-30 of October in the Leuphana University Lüneburg with 1200 participants, more than 200 experts and a team of 100 people!

The LCOY programme offers a high level of diversity throughout the conference. On the one hand, this is reflected by the diversity of issues dealt with, such as climate activism and climate communication as well as innovative technologies or security policy in the context of climate change, for instance. On the other hand, the conference also tries to pay attention to a balanced selection of guests in terms of gender as well as the inclusion of minorities and the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) in order to adequately represent the climate crisis as a global problem that affects people all over the world. In addition, the LCOY equally includes all established democratic political parties in Germany.

The LCOY 2022 is organized by a voluntary organizing team of 40 young people from all over Germany who invested over 8000 hours of preparation time. We are kindly supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action as well as by the BUNDjugend.

Participants at the LCOY are aged between 16 and 30. With their opinions, ideas, questions and answers we write a summary full of recommendations which we send to politicians, ministries and other stakeholders. Giving young people a climate platform - LCOY.

Power in Numbers







The Venue

Leuphana University Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany

Pastel Strokes

Organised by

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This Website is Sponsored by ACT.Sustainable


© YOUNGO LCOY Working Group. 2020-2023

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