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Pic Credit: LCOY HK

What is COY



2005年,他們在COP11之前正式聚集在蒙特利爾,以表達自己的聲音,從而創立了第一屆青年會議(COY)。 2009年,在聯合國氣候變化框架公約第15屆聯合國氣候變化大會(COP15)期間,《公約》秘書處和《公約》成員國正式承認青年為自己的觀察員選區(確認2011年的地位),以代表兒童和青年在《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》進程中的正式聲音。該選區被稱為YOUNGO。


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How LCOY Started



2005年,他們在COP11之前正式聚集在蒙特利爾,以表達自己的聲音,從而創立了第一屆青年會議(COY)。 2009年,在聯合國氣候變化框架公約第15屆聯合國氣候變化大會(COP15)期間,《公約》秘書處和《公約》成員國正式承認青年為自己的觀察員選區(確認2011年的地位),以代表兒童和青年在《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》進程中的正式聲音。該選區被稱為YOUNGO。


Pic: COY14

青年會議(COY)是YOUNGO的官方活動。 COY繼續吸引著來自社會和世界不同地區的兒童和青年,這些年來,兒童和青年的人數穩步增長。它是由青年為青年組織的。此外,在2015年,COY的想法開始在世界範圍內傳播。年輕人認識到COY的價值,並受到啟發來組織當地的COY(LCOY)。


Scopes of Different COYs


Global COY

Global COY is an annual gathering of young people from all over the world, who are passionate about climate change and environmental topics. It is organised by the youth for the youth.

The Global COY take place once every year right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as the Conference of Parties (COP), at the same location organised by local youth in collaboration with YOUNGO.

It aims to bring together the global youth to compile national and regional inputs into positions of global youth to be fed into the climate negotiations.

Regional COY

Regional COYs are organised (ideally) before or during GCOY in different parts of the world offering youth new opportunities for training and capacity building.

Regional COYs aim to bring together youth from many different countries within one of the 7 world regions (North America, Latin America and Caribbean, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania). RCOYs feed directly to Global COY.

They focus on climate related topics which have high regional importance, discuss and develop respective outputs and feed them into the Global COY and consequently into the climate negotiations.

Local COYs

Local COYs resemble regional COYs in many aspects. They, too, should ideally take place before or during the Global COY. They also serve the purpose to train youth and to build their capacities for climate action. The point in which the conferences differ is the scope.

Local COYs aim to bring together youth from one country. At LCOYs, youth participate as part of national and regional movements.

They focus on climate related topics which have high national importance, discuss and develop respective outputs, which are fed into the Global COY and consequently into the climate negotiations.

Image by Damir Babacic

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