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LCOY Benin

Cotonou, Benin

28-30 September

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On September 28, 29 and 30, Cotonou will once again host the LCOY 17 Benin. The national meeting of young people who are aware of the climate emergency, LCOY Benin will be a meeting for exchange, sharing, information and training. Its primary mission is to provide young people in Benin with the opportunity and the means to become true local, regional and global climate activists.

The Local Conference of Youth on the climate will be organized in Benin on September 28, 29 and 30, 2022 in Cotonou. It will enable young people in Benin to take part in national debates on climate change, in the development of solutions for the purposes of adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and in the implementation national policies on climate change crystallized in political documents, in particular the National Determined Contributions and the National Adaptation Plan.

Beyond that, the participation of young people in this conference in Benin will be a way for them to strengthen their meaningful participation in strategic decisions at the global level. This year the conference will be organized by "Land and Health Association" and "ECEauFem" in collaboration with several other partners.

The theme of this conference is “Youth Participation in Developing Nature-Based Solutions to Address Climate Change”.

Power in Numbers






Project Outreach

About LCOY Benin

Conférence Nationale des Jeunes sur les Changements Climatiques au Bénin

Pastel Strokes

Organised by

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